Conveying a sense of disconnection with the world in which the characters find themselves can be achieved in a variety of ways, but the most powerful and effective is in the editing. This also helps a great deal in avoiding audience bewilderment, as it's clear when a shift in reality is taking place. This particular film is stunningly edited at times, seamless transitions between different locales and events being achieved through a variety of inventive methods. Usually it's a craft whose success can be marked by it going unnoticed, but in instances such as these, the more self-aware it is, the better. It's difficult to convey how well constructed the film is without giving away any major plot points, which in this case more so than many others, would really be of detriment to the experience.
There's an impressive amount of plot covered in a relatively short space of time in this flick. Rather than resulting in any feeling of being rushed, it's written in such a way that this only adds to the sense of claustrophobia that characterises the picture. From gentle beginnings it soon plunges us into a world that, although tangled and sometimes confusing, is never completely out of reach of understanding. The main roles also do a lot to assist in this respect.
Ryan Gosling is very near the top of my list of favourite actors. He has the ability to light up a room, but also to suck the life right out of it should the need arise, sometimes even in the same scene. He certainly does much more of the latter in this instance and lifts the film at least somewhat beyond what it may have been able to accomplish without his considerable gravitas. His desperation is in turns both mysterious and moving, driving the plot with no small amount of brooding purpose. There are no bad showings to be found here, but Gosling routinely steals the scenes of which he is a part, leaving others in his shadow.
The pace of the film is more or less perfectly judged. The manner in which it gradually reaches its conclusion is handled with timely precision, revealing just enough at the right times to bring clarity to the situation piece by piece. This is absolutely essential to the movie's success and the gathering pace was enough to have me on the edge of my seat more than once.
Making a film that borders on the challenging, whilst also being capable of sustaining a high level of entertainment is a difficult task. It's pulled off with great aptitude here and I'm sure it's one that I'll be feeling the urge to see again before too long.
The Verdict:
A masterfully constructed film that is characterised by a heavy, claustrophobic atmosphere, and a brilliantly magnetic performance from Gosling.
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