For me, Steven Soderbergh's choice of projects of late has been decidedly patchy. These days you can never quite be sure what you're going to get from him. Side Effects is one of those films that falls well within the category of excellence that he is better known for. It's a brilliantly twisted tale that has more than its fair share of moments that will have you on the edge of your seat, as well as some excellent performances.
There are a number of strengths that the film possesses, most notable of which is the plot. The opening scenes have a real sense of drama and social commentary, but we end up with an entirely different beast as the story progresses. The constant supply of twists and turns can be dizzying, but never gets close to being confusing. Scott Z. Burns's writing is such that everything fits into place and for the most part avoids predictability altogether. It's not entirely original by any means, but the envelope is certainly well and truly pushed throughout the second half of the flick. There are even aspects of the narrative that wouldn't feel out of place in a horror, albeit without the gore.
Character development is handled well, with the fleshing out done in a minimalistic style through telling pieces of dialogue and action, rather than laboured exposition, and there is a seamless transition between the more dramatic elements and the thriller sensibility that takes over as events unfold. It's worth noting that there are one or two lifeless presences here and there that serve no other purpose than to drive the plot forward at specific points, but they are easy to ignore in light of the rest of the picture.
There's a lot to be said for the manner in which the issue of depression and a culture of medicating is tackled. The illness itself is presented with care and there are attempts made to make sense of the experience that sufferers may be going through. It's not particularly extensive in depth, but there is more than enough to enable the viewer to identify with the characters. This is absolutely essential in giving the plot the impact that it has and it's worked to perfection.
As far as the performances go, all are at the very least solid, but Rooney Mara is pretty spectacular at times. It's a great opportunity for her to exercise her range and she seizes it assuredly. She brings a tremendous feeling of authenticity to the role, though whether this is down to personal experience is unclear. The situations that arise are certainly extremes, but by the same token, not beyond the realms of possibility. It's a testament to the film's effectiveness that these situations still retain their power, despite the fact that the aftermath of some has already been revealed earlier in the film.
The Verdict:
A brilliantly twisted tale full of tension that will have you on the edge of your seat. Rooney Mara shines in this thriller that pushes the envelope and offers a few surprises along the way.
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